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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Email is Exciting?

I introduced the world of e-mail to my fifth graders this week. The classroom teacher had an e-mail project for the students and I wanted to make it happen. I have young children who do not use e-mail. However, I teach grades K-8, the older of whom seem to know what e-mail and instant messenging is all about. It had not occurred to me that e-mail, which until now I have not covered in my computer classes, would be a foreign concept to fifth graders. Most of my fifth graders knew what e-mail was on some level, but had never used it. When I explained some of the things they could do with e-mail, it was like openning up a whole new exciting world to my students. It was a wonderful teaching moment! It's nice to know there are things that I can teach THEM. I don't know when (or how) kids learn to e-mail, but judging my experience this week, it is AFTER fifth grade. But they were truly empowered and jazzed up about this new world I had just openned to them. It was great!

One of the reasons I haven't formally taught e-mail was my reluctance to open the door to spam and virus threats. I checked out and discovered a SAFE way to use e-mail at school without the immense time and resources I would need to devote to it. I am a computer teacher at a small school with no IT person (besides me, that is). In this way, I have to be careful what I take on. I looked into setting up a linux server but I don't know much about linux yet. Gaggle lets me control student e-mail activity for a small cost. Now THAT'S what schools really need. If you are a teacher, check out You won't be sorry. Sign up and spread the word!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Pope's Death

We are all saddened by the death of Pope John Paul II. He was a great role model who truly loved his flock, especially the youth of the Church. As a non-catholic teacher at a catholic school, I am witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime (OK, maybe twice or thrice), historical event unfold. The process of honoring a passing pope and selecting a new one is one that I have never before experienced. It is a fascinating time and I have learned much about what faith means. Please keep the Catholic Church in your prayers at this time.

At this same time, our second graders are getting ready for a very important spiritual event in their lives - their first communion. To be sure, these two simultaneous events provoke interesting discussion about what is means to be a Catholic in the modern day.

For an interesting look at the Vatican during recent and present events, catch the Catholic Insider Podcast. Catholic Insider is a podcast by father Roderick Vonhögen, catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Utrecht, The Netherlands. He does an excellent job of explaining the Catholic faith, traditions and lifestyle in a simplistic way that even non-catholics can understand. He does a great job!! Check it out